A Testimony
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“I decided to attend the school of prayer to learn how to pray better and to try and improve my daily prayer life. I was surprised when I understood that silent prayer was a way of praying that was different from my traditional nightly chatter. I took time to turn within seeking the Father. It was hard…It is hard to concentrate and to enter the depths of my being. I didn’t always succeed, but every now and again I did. My great disappointment however was in not finding anyone. I was left wanting, a bit saddened that I didn’t know how to get there. I finally realized what I have known for a longtime, ‘God is in each one of my brothers’ and so “God is in me”. This awareness changed my vision of silent prayer. It is not about a journey to a pre-scheduled meeting with the Father who may or may not show up. It is about a visit that I make to the Father who is there in the depths of my soul. I go within to meet him and that’s it. The intensity isn’t about minutes spent. I may or may not have felt his presence but I know he is there. My daily prayer is enriched by this time of prayer even if it is brief.” Christian