A Book

We are fortunate to have many books to choose from, some written by Carmelite Saints, others written about them or about Carmelite Spirituality in general.

Teresian Prayer written by Emmanuel Renault, o.c.d. and John Abiven, o.c.d., is one of many options. It presents the major stages of Teresian prayer, the soul’s role throughout these stages and God’s response in contemplative prayer. The path to union with God is attained through interior or silent prayer. It is the characteristic way of prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila’s reformed Carmel and is practiced two hours daily by all Discalced Carmelites.

For many, mystical life is reduced to accidental and unnecessary extraordinary phenomena. In reality, this life is none other than the fulfillment of Baptismal graces and an increase in the virtues of faith, hope and charity in the heart of him who believes that the Kingdom of God is found within. For Teresa of Jesus, all the baptized are invited to a mystical life for which interior prayer is the vital nourishment. It is from this intimate conviction that this book came to be-- interior prayer is not reserved for a few elite souls; it is offered to all who thirst to love and make loved the One who loved them all so much.



The Path to Union with God, Mystical Prayer Demystified

based on Book 2 Oraison Theresienne  (Teresian Prayer) translated from French


 Key Points: The Path to Union with God


Proposed Schedule of Classes  program modifications are left up to the discretion of the Presenter


Session 1: Opening Remarks

Audio: The Opener


Session 2: Introduction-Discursive Meditation-Osuna Method PwrPt

Notes: Intro-Discursive-Osuna 

Audio: Introduction

Audio: Discursive Meditation

Audio: Osuna Method


Session 3: Prayer of Recollection PwrPt

Notes:  Prayer of Recollection Notes

Audio: Recollection, Part 1

Audio: Recollection, Part 11


Session 4: SuperNatural Prayer PrPt Pt 1 Slide 1-22

Notes: Supernatural Prayer Notes

 Audio: Part 1  Introduction fja

Audio: Part 2 Quiet, Recollection, Nights


Session 5: SuperNatural Prayer PrPt Pt 2 Slide 23-37

Notes: Supernatural Prayer Notes

 Audio: Part 3 Union, Attitudes to Adopt



Course based on Book 2:  L'Oraison Thérésienne by ERenault ocd and JAbivens ocd, translated from French; translation available upon request.